Monday, March 26, 2007

Passing Notes with Frank Miller in the Back Row of a Screening of "300"

"This is incredibly cheesy."
"You wrote it!"
"I swear it didn't sound like this in my head."
"I'm sure it didn't!"


"Who's that lady?"
"That's the Queen"
"Was she in your book?"
"Not really."
"Zack Snyder really understands nipples."
"You know there were no nipples in your book. I thought it was a weak point"
"I'm trying to watch."
"Lotta penises though. In the book."
"I'm just saying."
"If you want to talk about it after or anything, that's cool."
"No penises in the movie, you'll notice."


"I'm glad you threw the narrator in, otherwise I'd never figure out who the tough guys are."
"I hate you."
"They're the ones in the red capes, right?"


"Do they grow wheat in Greece?"
"They do. I looked into it."
"Huh. I'd like to have a conversation in a wheat field."
"Seriously, why did you come tonight?"


"Did that fruitcake just drop Persian currency out of his purse?? Really?"
"Fuck this, let's go."

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